Arnab Goswami V State of Maharashtra – Personal Liberty

3 years ago

LegalUp's Snippy - The case Arnab Goswami V State of Maharashtra is where the entire State machinery went after one…

ADM Jabalpur v Shivkanta Shukla – Habeas Corpus

3 years ago

LegalUp's snippy - The case ADM Jabalpur V Shivkanta Shukla is an infamous case that is based on the writ…

Consumer Protection Act: Everything you need to know.

3 years ago

Consumer Protection Act, 2019 is an amendment over the Consumer Protection Act of 1986. First, let us understand what Consumer…

Arresting a woman: What does the law say?

3 years ago

Recently, there has been a rise in discussions about the need for stronger rules and regulations to safeguard women. There…

What are the legal issues that self-driving cars face?

3 years ago

Self-driving cars are slowly becoming reality now. With companies like Tesla and Volvo working tirelessly on self-driving software, their cars…

Difference Between Common Intention and Common object

3 years ago

Common intention is derived from Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code,1860 wherein the Concept of Joint Liability is construed…

The Taliban: A petrifying takeover for the World and Economies

3 years ago

The militant group of Taliban is back into power in Afghanistan after 20 years. The Taliban seized control in Afghanistan…

Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA)- Everything you need to know.

3 years ago

The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA) was developed as an Act to provide for the more effective prevention of…

What are the Essentials of a Valid Contract?

3 years ago

The Indian Contract Act,1872 was enacted on 25 April 1872. It lays down all the provisions concerning contracts and governs…

What is Competition Act, 2002? Everything you need to know

3 years ago

Following economic liberalisation and widespread economic reforms introduced in 1991, India decided to replace its then-existing competition law – the…