Is Marrying Twice Legal in India?

3 years ago

No, you cannot marry twice in India as the law here prohibits practising both polygamy and polyandry and even marrying…

What is the difference between Polygamy Vs Polyandry?

3 years ago

Polygamy is a practise where a man can marry multiple woman whereas Polyandry is a practise where a woman can…

What is False advertisement and its laws in India?

3 years ago

In this practice of advertising, many businesses exaggerate the merits of their product and thus resort to false advertisements. But…

What is Contract of Indemnity? Everything you need to know.

4 years ago

“Contract of indemnity” defined- A contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss caused to him…

Bigamy laws in India – Everything you need to know.

4 years ago

Bigamy is derived from the Bi-Gamous, which is a literal sense that means two marriages. In general, the concept of…

Legal Notice: What is a Legal Notice?

4 years ago

A Legal Notice is a classified written document, written on behalf of a person or organization by an advocate, to…

What is Epidemic Diseases Act? Everything you need to know.

4 years ago

Introduction Apex law of the land is the constitution of India. Law-making power is in the hands of the parliament…

Will Mediation, the modern-day concept, replace traditional courts?

4 years ago

Mediation is basically part of Alternative Dispute Resolution. The Concept of ADR is gradually rising in India. And ADR is…

Blundell Leigh v. Attenborough – Contract Of Pledge

4 years ago

The landmark judgement of Blundell Leigh v. Attenborough is widely referred to understand that the delivery of goods does not…

The difference between Judicial Custody and Police Custody.

4 years ago

Police custody means that an accused stays in the lock-up of a police station or at least in the physical…