Donoghue v Stevenson – Duty of Care in Negligence

3 years ago

The landmark judgement of Donoghue v Stevenson had a crucial role in laying down the foundation of the concept of…

Is Rakesh Jhunjhunwala trying to manipulate Indian stock market?

3 years ago

Indian economy has been through a lot, from emergency of 1975 to demonetization of 2016. Each time it has shown…

Sedition Law in India

3 years ago

Sedition, the simple meaning of the term is an act of the person either spoken by words or action which…

Do businesses have the right to refuse anyone?

3 years ago

With the encouragement of privatization and startups, many businesses have come up which offer unique services or the same service…

All about Epidemic Diseases Act

3 years ago

Introduction Apex law of the land is the constitution of India. Law-making power is in the hands of the parliament…

Data Protection Act and everything related to it.

3 years ago

Data protection has become more important in modern time as there is continued increase in the use of the growing…

Consumer awareness with an emphasis on National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

3 years ago

It has been 25 years since the Consumer Protection Act 1986 came into existence but consumers in both rural, as…

The Legal Outlook on Euthanasia.

3 years ago

The term Euthanasia is derived from the Greek word Euthanatos which means easy death. The word can also be split into Eu…

What is Defamation? Everything you need to know about it.

3 years ago

Every man has the right to have his reputation preserved inviolately. This right of reputation is acknowledged as an inherent…

What are the laws regarding Police brutality and Custodial death?

3 years ago

The killing of African Americans at the hands of police officers has continued unabated in the United States of America.…