Harpreet Randhawa

Consumer Protection Act: Everything you need to know.

Consumer Protection Act, 2019 is an amendment over the Consumer Protection Act of 1986. First, let us understand what Consumer…

3 years ago

What is Contract of Indemnity? Everything you need to know.

“Contract of indemnity” defined- A contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss caused to him…

4 years ago

Legal Notice: What is a Legal Notice?

A Legal Notice is a classified written document, written on behalf of a person or organization by an advocate, to…

4 years ago

Contract of Guarantee – Everything you need to know.

In simple terms, it can be defined as the promise given by a person to pay off the debt, to…

4 years ago

Child Custody: Everything you need to know.

Child Custody in simpler terms can be defined as, the custody given to one of the parents after their legal…

4 years ago

Contract of Pledge – Everything You Need To Know

Contract of Pledge, as the term implies "pledge" which means to give the goods as security. So, every good which…

4 years ago

What is Contract of Bailment? Everything you need to know.

A 'bailment' is the delivery of goods by one person to another for some purpose. Upon a contract, they shall,…

4 years ago

All you need to know about High-Security Number Plate Amendment.

High-security number plate Amendment is also known as HSRP, is one of the recent changes that have taken place in…

4 years ago

Sedition Law in India

Sedition, the simple meaning of the term is an act of the person either spoken by words or action which…

4 years ago

The Legal Outlook on Euthanasia.

The term Euthanasia is derived from the Greek word Euthanatos which means easy death. The word can also be split into Eu…

4 years ago